條碼號 | 題名 | 出版者 | 著者 | 出版 日期 |
索書號 | 單冊狀態 | 介購者 |
5011607 | Pilbeam's mechanical ventilation : physiological and clinical applications | Elsevier | Cairo, Jimmy M. | 2020 | WF145 C136p 2020 |
胸腔內科 陳○岳 |
5011608 | Therapeutic gastrointestinal endoscopy : a comprehensive atlas | Springer | Chun, Hoon Jai | 2019 | WI17 T398 2019 |
胃腸肝膽科 陳○霖 |
5011609 | The echo manual | Wolters Kluwer | Oh, Jae K | 2019 | WG39 O36e 2019 |
心臟內科 梁○文 |
5011610 | Atlas of cardiac catheterization and interventional cardiology | Wolters Kluwer | Moscucci, Mauro | 2019 | WG17 A881 2019 C.2 |
心臟內科 梁○文 |
5011611 | Interventional cardiology and cardiac catheterisation : the essential guide | CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group | Boland, John | 2019 | WG141.5.C2 C136p 2019 | 心臟內科
梁○文 |
5011612 | Color atlas and synopsis of heart failure | McGraw-Hill Education | Baliga, R. R. | 2019 | WG17 C719 2019 |
心臟內科 梁○文 |
5011613 | Color atlas and synopsis of interventional cardiology | McGraw-Hill Education | Baliga, R. R. | 2018 | WG17 C7191 2018 |
心臟內科 梁○文 |
5011614 | Electrophysiology of arrhythmias | Wolters Kluwe | Ho, Reginald T. | 2020 | WG330 H678e 2020 |
心臟內科 梁○文 |
5011615 | Hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery | Wolters Kluwer | Lillemoe, Keith D. | 2020 | WI770 H529 2020 | 外科部 | |
5011616 | Management of breast cancer in older women | Springer | Reed, Malcolm W. R. | 2019 | WP870 M26585 2019 |
一般外科 魏○庭 |
5011617 | Textbook and atlas of neural therapy : diagnosis and therapy with local anesthetics | Thieme | Barop, Hans 1949- | 2018 | QV17 B266t 2018 |
神經外科 王○洸 |
5011618 | Controversies in neuroendoscopy | Thieme | Nakaji, Peter | 2019 | WL141.5.N4 C764 2019 |
神經外科 王○洸 |
5011619 | Controversies in skull base surgery | Thieme | Little, Andrew S. | 2019 | WE705 C764 2019 |
神經外科 王○洸 |
5011620 | Navigation and robotics in spine surgery | Thieme | Vaccaro, Alexander R. | 2020 | WE727 N325 2019 |
神經外科 王○洸 |
5011621 | Atlas of adult congenital heart surgery | Springer | Mavroudis, Constantine | 2020 | WG17 A8812 2020 |
心臟外科 吳○穎 |
5011622 | An illustrated guide to congenital heart disease : from diagnosis to treatment -- from fetus to adult | Springer | Park, In Sook | 2019 | WG17 I29 2019 |
心臟外科 吳○穎 |
5011623 | Transcatheter aortic valve implantation : clinical, interventional, and surgical perspectives | Springer | Giordano, Arturo | 2019 | WG169 T772 2019 |
心臟外科 吳○穎 |
5011624 | Gordon and Nivatvongs' principles and practice of surgery for the colon, rectum, and anus | Thieme | Beck, David E. | 2019 | WI520 B393g 2019 |
直肛科 陳○保 |
5011625 | The Sages manual of robotic surgery | Springer | Patel, Ankit D. | 2018 | WO500 S129 2018 |
直肛科 陳○保 |
5011626 | Operative techniques in plastic surgery V.1 | Wolters Kluwer | Chung, Kevin C. | 2020 | WO600 O611 2020 V.1 |
整形外科 張○人 |
5011627 | Operative techniques in plastic surgery V.2 | Wolters Kluwer | Chung, Kevin C. | 2020 | WO600 O611 2020 V.2 |
整形外科 張○人 |
5011628 | Operative techniques in plastic surgery V.3 | Wolters Kluwer | Chung, Kevin C. | 2020 | WO600 O611 2020 V.3 |
整形外科 張○人 |
5011629 | Pediatric plastic and reconstructive surgery | Thieme | Greene, Arin K. | 2018 | WO600 P371 2018 |
整形外科 張○人 |
5011630 | Rebuilding nose : rhinoplasty for Asians | Medic Medicine | Jeong, JaeYong | 2018 | WV312 J54r 2018 |
整形外科 張○人 |
5011631 | Breast augmentation video atlas | Thieme | Adams, William P. Jr. | 2019 | WP17 B828 2019 |
整形外科 張○人 |
5011632 | Operative techniques in breast surgery, trunk reconstruction and body contouring | Wolters Kluwer | Disa, Joseph J. | 2020 | WP910 O61 2020 | 整形外科
張○人 |
5011633 | Operative techniques in pediatric plastic and reconstructive surgery | Wolters Kluwer | Gosain, Arun K. | 2020 | WO600 O612 2020 | 整形外科
張○人 |
5011634 | Operative techniques in craniofacial surgery | Wolters Kluwer | van Aalst, John | 2020 | WE705 O61 2020 | 整形外科
張○人 |
5011635 | Sports and exercise nutrition | Wolters Kluwer | McArdle, William D. | 2019 | QT263 M478s 2019 |
復健科 林○貞 |
5011636 | Comprehensive atlas of ultrasound-guided pain management injection techniques | Wolters Kluwer | Waldman, Steven D. | 2020 | WL704.6 W164c 2020 |
復健科 林○貞 |