條碼號 | 題名 | 出版者 | 著者 | 出版日期 | 索書號 | 單冊狀態 | 介購者 |
5012533 | Otorhinolaryngology : Head & neck surgery V.1 | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers | Souza, Chris De | 2018 | WV168 O881 2018 V.1 | 耳鼻喉科王○忠 | |
5012534 | Otorhinolaryngology : Head & neck surgery V.2 | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers | Souza, Chris De | 2018 | WV168 O881 2018 V.2 | 耳鼻喉科王○忠 | |
5012535 | Comprehensive rectal cancer care | Springer Nature Switzerland AG | Kwaan, Mary | 2019 | WI610 C737 2019 | 直腸外科陳○保 | |
5012536 | Rare kidney tumors : comprehensive multidisciplinary management and emerging therapies | Springer | Malouf, Gabriel G. | 2019 | WJ358 R221 2019 | 泌尿科黃○齊 | |
5012537 | Complications in uveitis | Springer | Pichi, Francesco | 2020 | WW240 C737 2020 | 眼科羅○婷 | |
5012538 | Radiation oncology for pediatric CNS tumors | Springer | Mahajan, Anita | 2017 | WL358 R129 2017 | 放射腫瘤科李○憲 | |
5012539 | Diagnosis of musculoskeletal tumors and tumor-like conditions : clinical, radiological and histological correlations - the Rizzoli case archive | Springer | Picci, Piero | 2020 | WE258 A881 2020 | 骨科李○辰 | |
5012540 | Imaging brain diseases : a neuroradiology, nuclear medicine, neurosurgery, neuropathology and molecular biology-based approach V.1 | Springer | Weis, Serge | 2019 | WL301 W426i 2019 V.1 | 核醫吳○臻 放射腫瘤科李○憲 |
5012541 | Imaging brain diseases : a neuroradiology, nuclear medicine, neurosurgery, neuropathology and molecular biology-based approach V.2 | Springer | Weis, Serge | 2019 | WL301 W426i 2019 V.2 | 核醫吳宜臻 放射腫瘤科李○憲 |
5012542 | Imaging brain diseases : a neuroradiology, nuclear medicine, neurosurgery, neuropathology and molecular biology-based approach V.3 | Springer | Weis, Serge | 2019 | WL301 W426i 2019 V.3 | 核醫吳宜臻 放射腫瘤科李○憲 |
5012543 | Controversies in radiation oncology | Springer | Lo, Simon S. | 2020 | QZ269 C764 2020 | 放射腫瘤科 李○憲、郭○虹 |
5012544 | Diseases of the aorta | Springer | Dieter, Robert S., 1970- | 2019 | WG410 D611 2019 | 心臟外科林○圍 | |
5012545 | Central nervous system metastases | Springer | Ahluwalia, Manmeet | 2020 | WL358 C397 2020 | 神經內科許○斌 | |
5012546 | Neurophysiology of the migraine brain | Springer | Coppola, Gianluca | 2021 | WL344 N494 2021 | 神經內科許○斌 | |
5012547 | Clinical electroencephalography | Springer | Mecarelli, Oriano | 2019 | WL150 C641 2019 | 神經內科許○斌 | |
5012548 | Atlas of cardiac catheterization for congenital heart disease | Springer | Butera, Gianfranco | 2019 | WG17 A8811 2019 | 心臟內科梁○文 | |
5012549 | Gastrointestinal emergencies : evidence-based answers to key clinical questions | Springer | Graham, Autumn | 2019 | WI140 G257 2019 | 急診部洪○傑 | |
5012550 | Clinical neuroimmunology : multiple sclerosis and related disorders | Humana Press, Springer Nature Switzerland | Rizvi, Syed A. | 2020 | WL360 C641 2020 | 神經內科蔡○同 | |
5012551 | Liposuction | Springer | Park, Jin Yong | 2018 | WO600 P235l 2018 | 整形外科張○人 | |
5012552 | Allergy and sleep : basic principles and clinical practice | Springer Nature | Fishbein, Anna | 2019 | WL108 A434 2019 | 神經內科許○斌 | |
5012553 | The ASCRS manual of colon and rectal surgery | Springer | Steele, Scott R. | 2019 | WI650 A815 2019 | 直腸外科 陳○保、趙○慈 |
5012554 | Essentials of regional anesthesia | Springer | Kaye, Alan David | 2018 | WO300 E78 2018 | 麻醉部周○ | |
5012555 | Essentials of neurosurgical anesthesia & critical care : strategies for prevention, early detection, and successful management of perioperative complications | Springer | Brambrink, Ansgar | 2020 | WL368 E78 2020 | 麻醉部 周○、李○宇 |
5012556 | Principles and practice of anesthesia for thoracic surgery | Springer | Slinger, Peter D. | 2019 | WF980 P957 2019 | 麻醉部陳○葳 | |
5012557 | Handbook of reconstructive flaps | Thieme | Hanasono, Matthew M. | 2021 | WO610 H236 2021 | 整形外科張○人 | |
5012558 | Transnasal endoscopic skull base and brain surgery : surgical anatomy and its applications | Thieme | Stamm, Aldo Cassol | 2019 | WV705 T772 2019 | 神經外科蔡○敦 | |
5012559 | Imaging and interventional radiology for radiation oncology | Springer | Beets-Tan, R. G. H. | 2020 | QZ269 I311 2020 | 放射腫瘤科 李○憲、郭○虹 |
5012560 | Wyllie's treatment of epilepsy : principles and practice | Wolters Kluwer | Wyllie, Elaine | 2021 | WL385 W983 2021 | 神經內科 許○斌、林○然 |
5012561 | Clinical manual of contact lenses | Wolters Kluwer | Bennett, Edward S. | 2020 | WW355 C641 2020 | 眼科羅○婷 | |
5012562 | OCT and OCTA in retinal disorders | Wolters Kluwer | Ehlers, Justis P. | 2021 | WW270 O21 2021 | 眼科羅○婷 | |
5012563 | Key clinical topics in ophthalmology | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers | Azarbod, Parham | 2021 | WW140 K44 2021 | 眼科羅○婷 | |
5012564 | Cardiac anesthesia and transesophageal echocardiography | McGraw-Hill Education | Wasnick, John D. | 2019 | WG460 C267 2019 | 麻醉部周○ | |
5012565 | Applied mindfulness : approaches in mental health for children and adolescents | American Psychiatric Association Publishing | Carrión, Victor G. | 2019 | WS465 A652 2019 | 精神科張○瑋 | |
5012566 | Acute kidney injury and regenerative medicine | Springer | Terada, Yoshio | 2020 | WJ342 A189 2020 | 腎臟科吳○芳 泌尿科黃○齊 |
5012567 | Principles of physiology for the anaesthetist | CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group | Kam, Peter | 2020 | QT104 K15p 2020 | 麻醉部 周○、李○宇 |
5012568 | Yao & Artusio's anesthesiology : problem-oriented patient management | Wolters Kluwer | Yao, Fun-Sun F., 1942- | 2021 | WO218.2 Y25 2021 | 麻醉部陳○葳 | |
5012569 | Gardner and Sutherland's chromosome abnormalities and genetic counseling | Oxford University Press | Gardner, R. J. M. | 2018 | QS677 G228c 2018 | 兒童醫學部李○豪 | |
5012570 | Catastrophic perioperative complications and management : a comprehensive textbook | Springer | Fox, Charles J., III (Charles James), 1961- | 2019 | WO178 C357 2019 | 麻醉部周○ |