條碼號 | 題名 | 出版者 | 著者 | 出版 日期 | 索書號 | 單冊 狀態 | 介購者 |
5010721 | The Sanford guide to antimicrobial therapy 2018 | Antimicrobial Therapy, Inc. | Gilbert, David N. | 2018 | QV16 S224g 2018 | 單位用書 | 藥劑部 蔡O勳 |
5010722 | The Sanford guide to antimicrobial therapy 2018 | Antimicrobial Therapy, Inc. | Gilbert, David N. | 2018 | QV16 S224g 2018 C.2 | 單位用書 | 藥劑部 蔡O勳 |
5010723 | The Sanford guide to antimicrobial therapy 2018 | Antimicrobial Therapy, Inc. | Gilbert, David N. | 2018 | QV16 S224g 2018 C.3 | 單位用書 |
藥劑部 |
5010724 | The Sanford guide to antimicrobial therapy 2018 | Antimicrobial Therapy, Inc. | Gilbert, David N. | 2018 | QV16 S224g 2018 C.4 | 單位用書 | 藥劑部 蔡O勳 |
5010725 | The Sanford guide to antimicrobial therapy 2018 | Antimicrobial Therapy, Inc. | Gilbert, David N. | 2018 | QV16 S224g 2018 C.5 | 單位用書 | 藥劑部 蔡O勳 |
5010726 | Novel insights on oral anticoagulants in clinical practice : focus on acenocoumarol | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd | Hiremath, Jagdish | 2018 | QV193 N937 2018 | 單位用書 | 藥劑部 蔡O勳 |
5010727 | Patient assessment in pharmacy : a culturally competent approach | Jones & Bartlett Learning | Hardy, Yolanda | 2016 | QV21 P298 2016 | 單位用書 |
藥劑部 |
5010728 | Handbook of applied therapeutics | Wolters Kluwer Health | Sweet, Burgunda | 2016 | WB39 H2356 2016 | 單位用書 |
藥劑部 |
5010729 | Pharmacotherapy casebook : a patient-focused approach | McGraw-Hill Education | Schwinghammer, Terry L. | 2017 | WB18.2 P536 2017 | 單位用書 | 藥劑部 蔡O勳 |
5010730 | Critical care pharmacotherapy | American College of Clinical Pharmacy | Brian Erstad | 2016 | QV39 C934 2016 | 單位用書 |
藥劑部 |
5010851 | Medically important fungi : a guide to identification | ASM Press | Larone, Davise Honig 1939- | 2011 | QW25 L331m 2011 | 單位用書 | 醫學檢驗部 林O芳 |
5010852 | Molecular diagnostics | Elsevier/Academic Press | Patrinos, George P. | 2017 | QZ52 M718 2017 | 單位用書 | 醫學檢驗部 黃O玲 |
5010853 | Illustrated dictionary of mycology | American Phytopathological Society | Ulloa, Miguel 1945- | 2012 | QK600.35 U42 2012 | 單位用書 | 醫學檢驗部 林O芳 |
5010854 | Molecular diagnostics : fundamentals, methods and clinical applications | F.A. Davis Company | Buckingham, Lela | 2012 | QY25 B923m 2012 | 單位用書 | 醫學檢驗部 黃O玲 |
5010855 | Clinical microbiology procedures handbook | ASM Press | Amy L. Leber | 2016 | QW25 C6415 2016 V.1 | 單位用書 | 醫學檢驗部 林O芳 |
5010856 | Clinical microbiology procedures handbook | ASM Press | Amy L. Leber | 2016 | QW25 C6415 2016 V.2 | 單位用書 | 醫學檢驗部 林O芳 |
5010857 | Clinical microbiology procedures handbook | ASM Press | Amy L. Leber | 2016 | QW25 C6415 2016 V.3 | 單位用書 |
醫學檢驗部 |
5010858 | Operative techniques in shoulder and elbow surgery | Wolters Kluwer | Williams, Gerald R. 1958- | 2016 | WE810 O61 2016 | 骨科部 袁O仁 |
5010859 | The cowboy's companion : a trail guide for the arthroscopic shoulder surgeon | Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | Burkhart, Stephen S. 1949- | 2012 | WE810 C874 2012 | 骨科部 袁O仁 |
5010860 | The cowboy's companion : a trail guide for the arthroscopic shoulder surgeon V.1 | Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | Burkhart, Stephen S. 1949- | 2012 | BCD WE810 C874 2012 V.1 | 書附光碟 | 骨科部 袁O仁 |
5010861 | The cowboy's companion : a trail guide for the arthroscopic shoulder surgeon V.2 | Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | Burkhart, Stephen S. 1949- | 2012 | BCD WE810 C874 2012 V.2 | 書附光碟 | 骨科部 袁O仁 |
5010862 | Foot and ankle arthroscopy | Wolters Kluwer | Ferkel, Richard D. | 2017 | WE880 F356 2017 | 骨科部 方O榮 |
5010863 | Reconstructive knee surgery | Wolters Kluwer | Johnson, Darren L. | 2017 | WE870 R3115 2017 | 骨科部 方O榮 |
5010864 | Apley & Solomon's system of orthopaedics and trauma | CRC Press | Blom, Ashley | 2018 | WE168 S689a 2018 | 骨科部 方O榮 |
5010865 | Revision hip arthroplasty | Jaypee | Malhotra, Rajesh | 2017 | WE860 R4541 2017 | 骨科部 方O榮 |
5010866 | Reverse shoulder arthroplasty :a practical approach | Thieme | Dines, David M. | 2018 | WE860 D583r 2018 |
骨科部 |
5010867 | Advanced reconstruction shoulder 2 : arthroscopy, arthroplasty, and fracture management | American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeon | Abrams, Jeffrey S. | 2016 | WE810 A472 2016 | 骨科部 方O榮 |
5010868 | ACSM's guidelines for exercise testing and prescription | Wolters Kluwer Health | Riebe, Deborah | 2018 | WE103 A5125a 2018 | 復健科 吳O錡 |
5010869 | The RDI book : forging new pathways for Autism, Asperger's and PDD with the relationship development intervention program | Connections Center Publishing | Gutstein, Steven E. | 2009 | WM308 G984r 2009 | 復健科 曾O真 |
5010870 | Cardiorespiratory physiotherapy : adults and paediatrics | Elsevier | Main, Eleanor | 2016 | WF145 P578 2016 |
復健科 |
5010871 | Sports injuries : prevention, treatment and rehabilitation | CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group | Peterson, Lars | 2017 | QT261 P485s 2017 | 復健科 吳O錡 |
5010872 | Traumatic brain injury : rehabilitation, treatment, and case management | CRC Press | Ashley, Mark J. | 2018 | WL354 T77795 2018 | 復健科 黃O政 |
5010873 | Stroke rehabilitation : a function-based approach | Elsevier, Inc. | Gillen, Glen | 2016 | WL356 S921362 2016 | 復健科 黃O政 |
5010874 | Kidney transplantation, bioengineering, and regeneration : kidney transplantation in the regenerative medicine era | Elsevier, Academic Press | Orlando, Giuseppe 1970- | 2017 | WJ368 K462 2017 | 圖書館 | |
5010875 | Comprehensive atlas of high resolution endoscopy and narrowband imaging | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | Cohen, Jonathan 1964- | 2017 | WI17 C736 2017 | 胃腸肝膽科 陳O松 |
5010876 | Gastrointestinal imaging : the essentials | Wolters Kluwer | Singh, Ajay 1971- | 2016 | WI141 G2571 2016 | 胃腸肝膽科 陳O松 |
5010877 | A guide to gastrointestinal motility disorders | Springer | Bredenoord, Albert J. | 2016 | WI150 B831a 2016 | 胃腸肝膽科 陳O松 |
5010878 | Cardiovascular hemodynamics for the clinician | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | Stouffer, George A. | 2017 | WG141 C26845 2017 | 心臟外科 吳O穎 |
5010879 | Cardiac surgery | Wolters Kluwer | Grover, Frederick L. | 2016 | WG169 C2671 2016 | 心臟外科 吳O穎 |
5010880 | Cardiac surgery in the adult | McGraw Hill Education | Cohn, Lawrence H. 1937- | 2018 | WG169 C267 2018 |
心臟外科 |
5010881 | Textbook of hyperbaric medicine | Springer | Jain, K. K. (Kewal K.) | 2017 | WB342 J25t 2017 | 整形外科 周O茂 |
5010882 | Fat injection : from filling to regeneration | Thieme | Coleman, Sydney | 2018 | QS532.5.A3 F2525 2018 | 整形外科 周O茂 |
5010883 | Clinical correlation with diagnostic implications in dermatology | Jaypee | Vasudevan, Biju | 2017 | WR141 C641 2017 | 整形外科 周O茂 |
5010884 | Practical facial reconstruction | Wolters Kluwer | Kaufman, Andrew J. | 2017 | WE705 K21p 2017 | 整形外科 周O茂 |
5010885 | Operative management of vascular anomalies | Thieme | Greene, Arin K. | 2017 | WG220 O61 2017 | 整形外科 周O茂 |
5010886 | The art of body contouring : a comprehensive approach | Thieme | Aly, Al | 2017 | WO600 A7846 2017 | 整形外科 周O茂 |
5010887 | Female cosmetic genital surgery : concepts, classification, and techniques | Thieme | Hamori, Christine A. | 2017 | WP660 F329 2017 | 整形外科 周O茂 |
5010888 | Manual of peripheral nerve surgery : from the basics to complex procedures | Thieme | Socolovsky, Mariano | 2017 | WL520 M294 2017 | 整形外科 周O茂 |
5010889 | Gender affirmation : medical & surgical perspectives | Thieme | Salgado, Christopher J. | 2017 | WB395 G3255 2017 | 整形外科 周鼎茂 |
5010890 | ACS(I) textbook of cutaneous and aesthetic surgery V.1 | Jaypee | Venkataram, Mysore | 2017 | WR650 A187 2017 V.1 | 整形外科 周O茂 |
5010891 | ACS(I) textbook of cutaneous and aesthetic surgery V.2 | Jaypee | Venkataram, Mysore | 2017 | WR650 A187 2017 V.2 | 整形外科 周O茂 |
5010892 | Laparoscopic colorectal surgery : the lapco manual | CRC Press | Coleman, Mark | 2017 | WI650 L299 2017 | 直肛科 陳O保 |
5010893 | Colorectal surgery : clinical care and management | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | George, Bruce 1960- | 2016 | WI650 C7194 2016 | 直肛科 陳O保 |
5010894 | Colon, rectum, and anus : anatomic, physiologic, and diagnostic bases for disease management | Springer | Ratto, Carlo | 2017 | WI520 C719 2017 | 直肛科 陳O保 |
5010895 | Atlas of operative surgical oncology | Jaypee | Jiwnani, Sabita | 2017 | QZ17 A8819 2017 | 直肛科 陳O保 |
5010896 | Cytoreductive surgery & perioperative chemotherapy for peritoneal surface malignancy : textbook and video atlas | Cine-Med | Bakrin, Naoual | 2017 | WI575 B168c 2017 | 直肛科 陳O一 |
5010897 | Cytoreductive surgery & perioperative chemotherapy for peritoneal surface malignancy : textbook and video atlas V.1 | Cine-Med | Bakrin, Naoual | 2017 | BCD WI575 B168c 2017 V.1 | 書附光碟 | 直肛科 陳O一 |
5010898 | Cytoreductive surgery & perioperative chemotherapy for peritoneal surface malignancy : textbook and video atlas V.2 | Cine-Med | Bakrin, Naoual | 2017 | BCD WI575 B168c 2017 V.2 | 書附光碟 | 直肛科 陳O一 |
5010899 | Nuclear cardiology review : a self-assessment tool | Wolters Kluwer | Jaber, Wael A. | 2018 | WG18.2 J11n 2018 | 核醫科 吳O臻 |
5010900 | ExpertDDX : Musculoskeletal | Elsevier | Davis, Kirkland W. | 2018 | WE17 E96 2018 | 核醫科 吳O臻 |
5010901 | Specialty imaging : PET : positron emission tomography with correlative CT and MR | Elsevier | Bennett, Paige | 2018 | WN17 S741 2018 | 核醫科 吳O臻 |
5010902 | Nuclear medicine and PET/CT : technology and techniques | Elsevier | Waterstram-Rich, Kristen M. 1954- | 2017 | WN25 N9681 2017 | 核醫科 吳O臻 |