條碼號 | 題名 | 出版者 | 著者 | 出版日期 | 索書號 | 單冊狀態 | 介購者 |
5011163 | The pancreas : an integrated textbook of basic science, medicine, and surgery | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | Beger, H. G. (Hans G.) | 2018 | WI800 P18821 2018 | 胃腸肝膽科 羅○河 | |
5011164 | Diagnostic medical sonography : The vascular system | Wolters Kluwer | Kupinski, Ann Marie | 2018 | WG141 D536 2018 | 神經內科 謝○倉 | |
5011165 | Sleep-related breathing disorders | Karger | Lin, Hsin-Ching | 2017 | WF143 S632 2017 | 耳鼻喉部 王○忠 | |
5011166 | Biliopancreatic endoscopy : practical application | Springer | Lai, Kwok-Hung | 2018 | WI750 B595 2018 | 胃腸肝膽科 湯○謙 | |
5011167 | Seven bypasses : tenets and techniques for revascularization | Thieme | Lawton, Michael T. | 2018 | WL355 L425s 2018 | 神經外科 吳○穎 | |
5011168 | Atlas of image-guided spinal procedures | Elsevier, Inc. | Furman, Michael B. | 2018 | WE17 A8814 2018 | 神經外科 吳○穎 | |
5011169 | Interventional cardiology | McGraw-Hill Education | Samady, Habib | 2018 | WG168 I615 2018 | 心臟內科 梁○文 | |
5011170 | SCAI interventional cardiology review | Wolters Kluwer Health | Kern, Morton J. | 2018 | WG18.2 S278 2018 | 心臟內科 梁○文 | |
5011171 | Practical guide for clinical neurophysiologic testing : EEG | Wolters Kluwer Health | Yamada, Thoru 1940- | 2018 | WL141 Y19p 2018 | 神經內科 許○斌 | |
5011172 | Schiff's diseases of the liver | John Wiley & Sons Ltd. | Schiff, Eugene R. | 2018 | WI700 S333 2018 | 胃腸肝膽科 羅○河 | |
5011173 | Avery's neonatology : pathophysiology & management of the newborn | Wolters Kluwer | MacDonald, Mhairi G. | 2016 | WS421 A9556 2016 | 兒科 劉○冠 | |
5011174 | Uncommon causes of stroke | Cambridge University Press | Caplan, Louis R. | 2018 | WL356 U5414 2018 | 神經內科 謝○倉 | |
5011175 | Rhinoplasty : an anatomical and clinical atlas | Springer | Daniel, Rollin K. | 2018 | WV17 D184r 2018 | 整形外科 張○人 | |
5011176 | Surgical reconstruction of the diabetic foot and ankle | Wolters Kluwer | Zgonis, Thomas | 2018 | WK835 S9615 2018_ | 整形外科 張○人 | |
5011177 | Master techniques in facial rejuvenation | Elsevier | Azizzadeh, Babak | 2018 | WE705 M423 2018 | 整形外科 張○人 | |
5011178 | Essentials of cardiopulmonary physical therapy | Elsevier | Hillegass, Ellen A. | 2017 | WG166 E78 2017 | 復健科(物理治療) 黃○政 | |
5011179 | Wintrobe's atlas of clinical hematology | Wolters Kluwer Health | Weksler, Babette B. | 2018 | WH17 W794 2018 | 血液腫瘤科 楊○祺 | |
5011180 | Cancer immunotherapy principles and practice | Demos Medical Publishing | Butterfield, Lisa H. | 2017 | QZ266 C215 2017 | 血液腫瘤科 楊○祺 | |
5011181 | Travell, Simons & Simons’ myofascial pain and dysfunction : The trigger point manual | Wolters Kluwer Health | Donnelly, Joseph M. | 2019 | WE500 S611t 2019 | 復健科(物理治療) 黃○政 | |
5011182 | Pediatric radiology : practical imaging evaluation of infants and children | Wolters Kluwer | Lee, Edward Y. | 2018 | WN240 P371 2018 | 影像醫學部 歐○憲 | |
5011183 | Fischer's mastery of surgery V.1 | Wolters Kluwer | Fischer, Josef E. 1937- | 2019 | WO500 F537 2019 V.1 | 大腸直腸外科 陳○保 | |
5011184 | Fischer's mastery of surgery V.2 | Wolters Kluwer | Fischer, Josef E. 1937- | 2019 | WO500 F537 2019 V.2 | 大腸直腸外科 陳○保 | |
5011185 | Gastroenterological endoscopy | Georg Thieme Verlag | Wallace, Michael B. (Michael Bradley) | 2018 | WI141 G2568 2018 | 胃腸肝膽科 湯○謙 | |
5011186 | Perez & Brady's principles and practice of radiation oncology | Wolters Kluwer | Halperin, Edward C. | 2019 | QZ269 P957 2019 | 放射腫瘤科 李○憲 | |
5011187 | Maxillofacial surgery V.1 | Elsevier | Brennan, Peter A. | 2017 | WU600 M464 2017 V.1 | 口腔外科 陳○明 | |
5011188 | Maxillofacial surgery V.2 | Elsevier | Brennan, Peter A. | 2017 | WU600 M464 2017 V.2 | 口腔外科 陳○明 | |
5011189 | Atlas of sonoanatomy for regional anaesthesia and pain medicine | McGraw-Hill Education | Karmakar, Manoj K. | 2018 | WN17 K18a 2018 | 麻醉部 林○瑩 | |
5011190 | The cowboy's conundrum : complex and advanced cases in shoulder arthroscopy | Wolters Kluwer | Burkhart, Stephen S. 1949- | 2017 | WE810 B959c 2017 | 骨科 陳○伯 | |
5011191 | Williams textbook of endocrinology | Elsevier | Melmed, Shlomo | 2016 | WK100 W721 2016 | 新陳代謝科 高○禧 | |
5011192 | Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system : foundations for rehabilitation | Elsevier, Inc. | Neumann, Donald A. | 2017 | WB890 N492ka 2017 | 復健科(物理治療) 黃○政 | |
5011193 | The American Cancer Society's oncology in practice : clinical management | Wiley | American Cancer Society | 2018 | QZ200 A512 2018 | 血液腫瘤科 楊○祺 | |
5011194 | Newborn surgery | CRC Press | Puri, Prem | 2018 | WS421 N533 2018 | 小兒外科 柯○瑞 | |
5011195 | Instructional course lectures.Volume 68, 2019 | American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons | American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons | 2019 | WE168 IN627V 2019 V.68 | 骨科 高○憲 | |
5011196 | Surgical pathology of the liver | Wolters Kluwer Health | Torbenson, Michael S. | 2018 | WI700 T676s 2018 | 病理部 蔡○亨 | |
5011197 | Language disorders from infancy through adolescence : listening, speaking, reading, writing, and communicating | Elsevier | Paul, Rhea | 2018 | WL340.2 P324L 2018 | 復健科(語言治療) 蘇○ | |
5011198 | Imaging anatomy : Head and neck | Elsevier | Chapman, Philip R. | 2019 | WE17 C466i 2019 |
核子醫學科 吳○臻 影像醫學部 歐○憲 |
5011199 | Neonatal and pediatric respiratory care | Elsevier | Walsh, Brian K. | 2019 | WS280 P445 2019 | 兒科 蔡○承 | |
5011200 | Radiation oncology : a question- based review | Wolters Kluwer | Hristov, Boris | 2019 | QZ18.2 R1291 2019 | 放射腫瘤科 李○憲 | |
5011201 | The Bethesda handbook of clinical oncology | Wolters Kluwer | Abraham, Jame | 2019 | QZ39 B562 2019 | 血液腫瘤科 楊○祺 | |
5011202 | Scott-Brown's otorhinolaryngology, head and neck surgery V.1 | CRC Press | Watkinson, John C. | 2019 | WV100 S43131 2019 V.1 | 耳鼻喉部 許○彥 | |
5011203 | Scott-Brown's otorhinolaryngology, head and neck surgery V.2 | CRC Press | Watkinson, John C. | 2019 | WV100 S43131 2019 V.2 | 耳鼻喉部 許○彥 | |
5011204 | Scott-Brown's otorhinolaryngology, head and neck surgery V.3 | CRC Press | Watkinson, John C. | 2019 | WV100 S43131 2019 V.3 | 耳鼻喉部 許○彥 | |
5011205 | Neurosurgical operative atlas : Functional neurosurgery | Thieme | Boulis, Nicholas | 2018 | WL17 N49415 2018 | 神經外科 吳○穎 | |
5011206 | Neurotrauma and critical care of the brain | Thieme | Jallo, Jack | 2018 | WL354 N494485 2018 | 神經外科 吳○穎 | |
5011207 | Endoscopic spine surgery | Thieme | Kim, Daniel H. | 2018 | WE725 E56 2018 |
神經外科 吳○穎 骨科 高○憲 |
5011208 | Surgical approaches to the facial skeleton | Wolters Kluwer | Ellis, Edward | 2019 | WE705 E47s 2019 | 口腔外科 陳○明 | |
5011209 | Diagnostic pathology : Pediatric neoplasms | Elsevier | Putnam, Angelica R. | 2018 | QZ275 D536 2018 | 病理部 蔡○亨 | |
5011210 | Diagnostic imaging : Interventional procedures | Elsevier | Wible, Brandt C. | 2018 | WN17 D5361 2018 | 影像醫學部 楊○宜 | |
5011211 | Clinical atlas of polysomnography | Apple Academic Press | Gupta, Ravi | 2018 | WL108 G977c 2018 | 神經內科 許○斌 | |
5011212 | Uveitis | Wolters Kluwer Health | Garg, Sunir J. | 2019 | WW17 P412o 2019 | 眼科 羅○婷 | |
5011213 | Oculoplastics | Wolters Kluwer Health | Penne, Robert B. | 2019 | WW17 P412o 2019 | 眼科 羅○婷 | |
5011214 | Pediatric ophthalmology | Wolters Kluwer Health | Nelson, Leonard B. | 2019 | WW17 P371 2019 | 眼科 羅○婷 | |
5011215 | Retina | Wolters Kluwer Health | Fineman, Mitchell S. | 2019 | WW17 R438 2019 | 眼科 羅○婷 | |
5011216 | Neuro-ophthalmology | Wolters Kluwer Health | Savino, Peter J. | 2019 | WW17 S267n 2019 | 眼科 羅○婷 | |
5011217 | Glaucoma | Wolters Kluwer Health | Rhee, Douglas J. | 2019 | WW17 R469g 2019 | 眼科 羅○婷 | |
5011218 | Cornea | Wolters Kluwer Health | Rapuano, Christopher J. | 2019 | WW17 R221c 2019 | 眼科 羅○婷 |