條碼號 |
題名 |
出版者 |
著者 |
出版日期 |
索書號 |
單冊狀態 |
介購者 |
5011343 |
肌肉單字大全 |
楓書坊文化 |
原島廣至 |
2018 |
394.2 8372 107 |
5011344 |
骨骼單字大全 |
楓書坊文化 |
原島廣至 |
2018 |
394.2 8372-2 107 |
5011345 |
臨床實用舌象圖譜 |
合記圖書 |
王彥暉 |
2015 |
413.241 8456 104 |
5011346 |
實用基本護理學 =Practical basic nursing V.1 |
華杏 |
蘇麗智 |
2018 |
419.6 8856 107 V.1 C.2 |
5011347 |
實用基本護理學 =Practical basic nursing V.2 |
華杏 |
蘇麗智 |
2018 |
419.6 8856 107 V.2 C.2 |
5011348 |
實用基本護理學 =Practical basic nursing V.1 |
華杏 |
蘇麗智 |
2018 |
BCD 419.6 8856 107 V.1 C.2 |
書附光碟 |
5011349 |
實用基本護理學 =Practical basic nursing V.2 |
華杏 |
蘇麗智 |
2018 |
BCD 419.6 8856 107 V.2 C.2 |
書附光碟 |
5011350 |
健康識能機構實務指引 =A practical guidebook for health literate organization |
國民健康署 |
魏米秀 |
2018 |
419.5 8566 107 C.2 |
5011351 |
失語症及相關神經性溝通障礙 |
華騰文化 |
帕帕塔納西 (Papathanasiou, Ilias) |
2018 |
416.867 8554 107 |
5011352 |
溝通障礙導論 : 以實證本位觀點為導向 |
華騰文化 |
歐文斯 (Owens, Robert E.) |
2019 |
416.867 8765 108 |
5011353 |
以活動為本位的輔助溝通系統介入三部曲模式 : 從無到有之創建歷程 |
華騰文化 |
楊熾康 |
2018 |
529.63 8626 107 |
5011354 |
醫療品質管理 =Quality management in healthcare |
華格那 |
鍾國彪 |
2018 |
ME 419.2 8657 107 |
醫倫圖書 |
5011355 |
觸診技巧 : 表面解剖學的臨床應用 |
合記圖書 |
賴查特 (Reichert, Bernhard), 1959- |
2018 |
415.214 8345 107 |
5011356 |
最新牙體技術師教材 : 牙齒解剖形態學 |
合記圖書 |
脇坂聡 |
2019 |
416.92 8873 108 |
5011357 |
圖解藥理學 : 從病理生理探討用藥機制與治療策略 |
合記圖書 |
越前宏俊 |
2018 |
418.1 8342 107 |
5011358 |
以案例為導向的神經醫學 |
合記圖書 |
辛哈 (Singh, Anuradha) |
2018 |
415.9 845 107 C.2 |
5011359 |
組隊合作 : 教你如何在知識經濟中學習、創新與競爭 |
合記圖書 |
愛默生 (Edmondson, Amy C.) |
2018 |
ME 494.2 8946 107 |
醫倫圖書 |
5011360 |
Management of bone metastases : a multidisciplinary guide |
Springer |
Denaro, Vincenzo, 1941- |
2019 |
WE258 M266 2019 |
骨科 陳○伯 |
5011361 |
Laparo-endoscopic hernia surgery : evidence based clinical practice |
Springer |
Bittner, Reinhard 1942- |
2018 |
WI950 L299 2018 |
大腸直腸外科 陳○保 |
5011362 |
Therapeutic endoscopy in the gastrointestinal tract |
Springer |
Kahler, Georg |
2018 |
WI980 T398 2018 |
胃腸肝膽科 湯○謙 |
5011363 |
Basic clinical radiobiology |
CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group |
Joiner, Michael |
2019 |
QZ269 B311 2019 |
放射腫瘤科 李○憲 |
5011364 |
The art of blepharoplasty |
Koonja Publishing Inc. |
Cho, Inchang |
2017 |
WW205 C545t 2017 |
整形外科 張○人 |
5011365 |
Oxford textbook of osteoarthritis and crystal arthropathy |
Oxford University Press |
Doherty, Michael 1951- |
2016 |
WE348 O98 2016 |
過敏免疫風濕科 王○緯 |
5011366 |
Learning DSM-5 by case example |
American Psychiatric Publishing |
First, Michael B., 1956- |
2017 |
WM40 F527 2017 |
精神科 |
5011367 |
Pediatric emergency medicine : chief complaints and differential diagnosis |
Cambridge University Press |
Jeanmonod, Rebecca 1972- |
2018 |
WS205 P3713 2018 |
兒科 陳○伸 |
5011368 |
Vitreoretinal disorders in primary care |
CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group |
Williamson, Thomas H. |
2018 |
WW270 W729v 2018 |
眼科 羅○婷 |
5011369 |
Head and neck cancers : evidence-based treatment |
Demos Medical Publishing |
Argiris, Athanassios |
2018 |
WE707 H432 2018 |
耳鼻喉部 王○忠 |
5011370 |
AO principles of fracture management V.1 |
Thieme |
Buckley, Richard E. |
2017 |
WE175 A638 2017 V.1 |
骨科 陳○伯 |
5011370 |
AO principles of fracture management V.2 |
Thieme |
Buckley, Richard E. |
2017 |
WE175 A638 2017 V.2 |
骨科 陳○伯 |
5011372 |
Textbook of interventional cardiology : a global perspective |
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd |
Chew, Derek |
2017 |
WG166 T355 2017 |
心臟內科 梁○文 |
5011373 |
Controversies in spine surgery, MIS versus OPEN : best evidence recommendations |
Thieme |
Vaccaro, Alexander R. |
2018 |
WE725 C764 2018 |
神經外科 吳○穎 |
5011374 |
Neuromuscular spine deformity |
Thieme |
Samdani, Amer F. |
2018 |
WE735 N494 2018 |
骨科 陳○伯 |
5011375 |
Fractures of the hand and carpus : FESSH instructional course book 2018 |
Thieme |
Boeckstyns, Michel E. H. |
2018 |
WE832 F798 2018 |
骨科 陳○伯 |
5011376 |
Neonatology : clinical practice and procedures |
McGraw-Hill Education Medical |
Stevenson, David K. (David Kendal), 1949- |
2015 |
WS421 N4388 2015 |
兒科 劉○冠 |
5011377 |
Larone's medically important fungi :a guide to identification |
ASM Press |
Larone, Davise Honig 1939- |
2018 |
QW25 L331m 2018 |
感染科 梁○豪 |
5011378 |
Facial anatomy & volumizing Injections : Superiori & middle third |
Grafiche Santocono |
Ingallina, Fabio M. |
2017 |
QS532.5.A3 I44 2017 |
整形外科 張○人 |
5011379 |
Essentials of clinical radiation oncology |
Demos Medical Publishing |
Ward, Matthew C. 1986- |
2018 |
QZ39 E78 2018 |
放射腫瘤科 李○憲 |
5011380 |
Physical therapyin burn and wound care : a clinical approach |
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing |
Abd El-Kader, Shehab |
2013 |
WO704 A135 2013 |
復健科(物理治療) 黃○政 |
5011381 |
DSM-5 clinical cases |
American Psychiatric Publishing |
Barnhill, John W. (John Warren) 1959- |
2014 |
WM40 D811 2014 |
精神科 |
5011382 |
Study guide to DSM-5 |
American Psychiatric Publishing |
Roberts, Laura Weiss 1960- |
2015 |
WM18.2 S933 2015 |
精神科 |
5011383 |
DSM-5 handbook of differential diagnosis |
American Psychiatric Publishing |
First, Michael B., 1956- |
2014 |
WM34 F527 2014 |
精神科 |
5011384 |
DSM-5 guidebook : the essential companion to the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, fifth edition |
American Psychiatric Association |
Black, Donald W. |
2014 |
WM15 B627d 2014 |
精神科 |
5011385 |
The American Psychiatric Publishing textbook of substance abuse treatment |
American Psychiatric Publishing |
Galanter, Marc |
2015 |
WM270 A5108 2015 |
精神科 |
5011386 |
Pancreatic cancer : with special focus on topical issues and surgical techniques |
Springer |
Kim, Sun-Whe |
2017 |
WI810 P188 2017 |
胃腸肝膽科 羅○河 |
5011387 |
Ramamurthy's decision making in pain management : an algorithmic approach |
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd |
Nagpal, Ameet |
2018 |
WL704 R165 2018 |
胃腸肝膽科 羅○河 |
5011388 |
Precision molecular pathology of lung cancer |
Springer |
Cagle, Philip T. |
2018 |
WF658 P923 2018 |
胸腔外科 謝○洲 |
5011389 |
Severe domestic squalor |
Cambridge University Press |
Snowdon, John |
2012 |
WM176 S674s 2012 |
精神科 |
5011390 |
The Maudsley prescribing guidelines in psychiatry |
Wiley |
Taylor, David 1963- |
2019 |
WM402 T238t 2019 |
精神科 |
5011391 |
Invasive cardiology : a manual for cath lab personnel |
Jones and Bartlett Learning |
Watson, Sandy |
2011 |
WG141.5.C2 I625 2011 |
心臟介入性功能科 尤○弘 |
5011392 |
A video atlas of neuromuscular disorders |
Oxford University Press |
Shaibani, Aziz |
2018 |
WE17 S526a 2018 |
神經外科 謝○洲 |
5011393 |
A video atlas of neuromuscular disorders |
Oxford University Press |
Shaibani, Aziz |
2018 |
BCD WE17 S526a 2018 |
書附光碟 |
神經內科 謝○洲 |
5011394 |
The diabetic foot : medical and surgical management |
Humana Press |
Veves, Aristidis |
2019 |
WK835 D53518 2019 |
新陳代謝科 古○如 |
5011395 |
Operative oral and maxillofacial surgery |
CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group |
Langdon, J. D. |
2017 |
WU600 O61 2017 |
口腔外科 陳○明 |
5011396 |
Advanced perioperative crisis management |
Oxford University Press |
Furse, Cory M. |
2017 |
WO178 A244 2017 |
麻醉部 林○瑩 |
5011397 |
Essentials of musculoskeletal care |
Armstrong, April D. |
2016 |
WE140 E78 2016 |
骨科 陳○伯 |
5011398 |
Niedermeyer's electroencephalography : basic principles, clinical applications, and related fields |
Oxford University Press |
Schomer, Donald L. |
2018 |
WL150 N6633 2018 |
神經內科 許○斌 |
5011399 |
Anesthesiology |
McGraw-Hill Education |
Longnecker, David E. 1939- |
2018 |
WO200 A579 2018 |
麻醉部 林○瑩 |
5011400 |
Greenman's principles of manual medicine |
Wolters Kluwer |
DeStefano, Lisa A. |
2017 |
WB460 D476g 2017 |
復健科(物理治療) 黃○政 |
5011401 |
Physical therapy for children with cerebral palsy : an evidence-based approach |
SLACK Incorporated |
Rahlin, Mary 1962- |
2016 |
WS342 R147p 2016 |
復健科(物理治療) 黃○政 |
5011402 |
Atlas of Asian rhinoplasty |
Springer Verlag |
Suh, Man Koon |
2018 |
WV312 S947a 2018 |
整形外科 張○人 |
5011403 |
Surgery of the liver, bile ducts and pancreas in children |
CRC Press |
Davenport, Mark |
2017 |
WS310 S9618 2017 |
小兒外科 柯○瑞 |
5011404 |
Body imaging : thorax and abdomen : anatomical landmarks, image findings, diagnosis |
Thieme |
Krombach, Gabriele A. |
2018 |
WF975 B668 2018 |
核子醫學科 吳○臻 |
5011405 |
Textbook of medical mycology |
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd |
Chander, Jagdish |
2018 |
WC450 C454t 2018 |
感染科 梁○豪 |
5011406 |
Eular textbook on rheumatic diseases |
BMJ Publishing Group Ltd |
Bijlsma, J. W. J. (Johannes W. J.) |
2018 |
WE544 E88 2018 |
過敏免疫風濕科 王○緯 |
5011407 |
Head and neck ultrasonography : essential and extended applications |
Plural Publishing |
Orloff, Lisa A. |
2017 |
WE700 H432 2017 |
耳鼻喉部 王○忠 |