條碼號 | 題名 | 出版者 | 著者 | 出版 日期 |
索書號 | 單冊狀態 | 介購者 |
5011668 | Expertddx : Brain and spine | Elsevier, Inc. | Jhaveri, Miral D. | 2018 | WL39 E96 2018 | 影像醫學部 呂○中 | |
5011669 | Hardikar's orthopedic operations : text & atlas | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers | Hardikar, S. M. | 2019 | WE17 H262h 2019 | 骨科部 楊○階 | |
5011670 | 病歷資訊管理學與實務 : e世代病歷資訊管理 | 臺灣病歷資訊管理學會 | 詹清旭 | 2020 | 415.206 8636 109 | 保險課 | |
5011709 | Essentials of Osborn's brain : a fundamental guide for residents and fellows | Elsevier | Osborn, Anne G., 1943- | 2020 | WL301 O81e 2020 |
影像醫學部 呂○中 |
5011710 | Merrill's atlas of radiographic positioning & procedures V.1 | Elsevier | Long, Bruce W. | 2019 | WN17 L848m 2019 V.1 |
影像醫學部 呂○中 |
5011711 | Merrill's atlas of radiographic positioning & procedures V.2 | Elsevier | Long, Bruce W. | 2019 | WN17 L848m 2019 V.2 |
影像醫學部 呂○中 |
5011712 | Merrill's atlas of radiographic positioning & procedures V.3 | Elsevier | Long, Bruce W. | 2019 | WN17 L848m 2019 V.3 |
影像醫學部 呂○中 |
5011713 | Cardiac CT, PET & MR | Wiley-Blackwell. | Dilsizian, Vasken | 2019 | WG141 C264764 2019 |
核子醫學科 吳○臻 |
5011714 | Evidence-based infectious diseases | Wiley | Mertz, Dominik | 2018 | WC100 E93 2018 |
重症醫學部 楊○杰 |
5011715 | Microsurgical management of middle ear and petrous bone cholesteatoma | Thieme | Sanna, M. | 2019 | WV230 S196m 2019 |
耳鼻喉部 王○群 |
5011716 | Current concepts of sleep apnea surgery | Thieme | Verse, Thomas | 2019 | WF143 C976 2019 |
耳鼻喉部 王○群 |
5011717 | Salivary gland cancer : from diagnosis to tailored treatment | Springer | Licitra, Lisa | 2019 | WI230 S167 2019 |
耳鼻喉部 王○群 |
5011718 | The 5-minute clinical consult premium 2021 | Wolters Kluwer | Domino, Frank J. | 2021 | WB39 F565 2021 |
家醫科 林○瑩 |
5011719 | Blaustein's pathology of the female genital tract | Springer | Kurman, Robert J. | 2019 | WP100 B645 2019 | 解剖病理科 陳○其 | |
5011720 | Atlas of liver pathology : a pattern- based approach | Wolters Kluwer | Torbenson, Michael S. | 2020 | WI17 T676a 2020 | 病理部 林○賢 | |
5011721 | Breast pathology | Springer | Sapino, A. | 2020 | WP870 B8281 2020 | 病理部 林○賢 | |
5011722 | Tumors of the esophagus and stomach | ARP Press | Odze, Robert D. | 2019 | QZ17 T925 2019 | 病理部 林○賢 | |
5011723 | Moschella and Hurley's dermatology V.1 | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers | Rao, Babar K. | 2020 | WR140 D4351 2020 V.1 | 皮膚科 郭○彣 | |
5011724 | Moschella and Hurley's dermatology V.2 | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers | Rao, Babar K. | 2020 | WR140 D4351 2020 V.2 | 皮膚科 郭○彣 | |
5011725 | Baran & Dawber's diseases of the nails and their management | Wiley-Blackwell | Baran, R. (Robert) | 2019 | WR475 B2251 2019 | 皮膚科 郭○彣 | |
5011726 | Dermoscopy criteria review | McGraw-Hill Education | Johr, Robert | 2020 | WR17 D435 2020 | 皮膚科 郭○彣 | |
5011727 | Dermatologic surgery | McGraw-Hill Education | Kantor, Jonathan 1976- | 2018 | WR670 D435 2018 | 皮膚科 張○渝 | |
5011728 | Goldfrank's toxicologic emergencies | McGraw-Hill Education | Nelson, Lewis 1963- | 2019 | QV600 G618 2019 | 急診醫學部 黃○祥 | |
5011729 | Rosen & Barkin's 5-minute emergency medicine consult | Wolters Kluwer | Schaider, Jeffrey | 2020 | WB39 R813 2020 | 急診醫學部 黃○祥 | |
5011730 | The emergency medicine trauma handbook | Cambridge University Press | Koyfman, Alex | 2020 | WB105 E53 2020 | 急診醫學部 黃○祥 | |
5011731 | Te Linde's operative gynecology | Wolters Kluwer | Handa, Victoria Lynn | 2020 | WB105 E53 2020 | 急診醫學部 黃○祥 | |
5011732 | Hysterectomy : a comprehensive surgical approach V.1 | Springer | Mettler, Liselotte | 2018 | WP468 H999 2018 V.1 | 婦產部 傅○峰 | |
5011733 | Hysterectomy : a comprehensive surgical approach V.2 | Springer | Mettler, Liselotte | 2018 | WP468 H999 2018 V.2 | 婦產部 傅○峰 | |
5011734 | An atlas of gynecologic oncology : investigation and surgery | CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group | Smith, J. Richard | 2018 | WP17 A8811 2018 | 婦產部 傅○峰 | |
5011735 | Berek & Novak's gynecology | Wolters Kluwer | Berek, Jonathan S. | 2020 | WP100 B487 2020 | 婦產部 傅○峰 | |
5011736 | Operative techniques in gynecologic surgery : Gynecologic oncology | Wolters Kluwer | Hatch, Kenneth D. | 2019 | WP660 O611 2019 | 婦產部 傅○峰 | |
5011737 | Evidence-based obstetrics and gynecology | Wiley | Norwitz, Errol R. | 2019 | WP140 E93 2019 | 婦產部 傅○峰 | |
5011738 | Uterine cancer : screening, diagnosis, and treatment | Springer | Muggia, Franco M. | 2018 | WP458 U89 2018 | 婦產部 傅○峰 | |
5011739 | Pediatric sonography | Wolters Kluwer Health | Siegel, Marilyn J. | 2019 | WN208 P3726 2019 | 兒童醫學部 | |
5011740 | Fleisher & Ludwig's 5-minute pediatric emergency medicine consult | Wolters Kluwer | Hoffman, Robert J. (Robert James) 1968- | 2020 | WS39 F628 2020 | 兒童醫學部 | |
5011742 | Hutchison's atlas of paediatric physical diagnosis | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers | Goel, Krishna M. | 2019 | WS17 H978 2019 | 兒童醫學部 | |
5011743 | Differential diagnosis in pediatrics : indian academy of pediatrics | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers | Nedunchelian, K. | 2020 | WS141 D569 2020 | 兒童醫學部 | |
5011744 | Neonatal lung ultrasonography | Springer | Liu, Jing | 2018 | WN208 N438 2018 | 兒童醫學部 | |
5011745 | IAP specialty series on pediatric nephrology | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers | Vasudev, Anand S. | 2019 | WS320 I11 2019 | 兒童醫學部 | |
5011746 | IAP specialty series on pediatric intensive care | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers | Udani, Soonu | 2019 | WS39 I11 2019 | 兒童醫學部 | |
5011747 | Avoiding common anesthesia errors | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | Marcucci, Catherine | 2020 | WO200 A961 2020 | 臨床麻醉科 李○曜 | |
5011748 | A practical approach to transesophageal echocardiography | Wolters Kluwer | Perrino, Albert C. Jr. | 2020 | WG141.5.E2 P894 2020 | 臨床麻醉科 李○曜 | |
5011749 | Case studies in pediatric anesthesia | University Printing House | Adler, Adam C. 1983- | 2019 | WO440 C337 2019 | 臨床麻醉科 李○曜 | |
5011750 | Basic physiology for anaesthetists | Cambridge University Press | Chambers, David 1979- | 2019 | QT104 C444b 2019 | 臨床麻醉科 李○曜 | |
5011751 | Bonica's management of pain | Wolters Kluwer Health | Ballantyne, Jane 1948- | 2019 | WL704.6 B715 2019 | 臨床麻醉科 李○曜 | |
5011752 | Frames of reference for pediatric occupational therapy | Wolters Kluwer | Kramer, Paula | 2020 | WS368 F813 2020 | 復健科 曾○真 | |
5011753 | Pharmacotherapy principles & practice | McGraw-Hill Education | Chisholm-Burns, Marie A. | 2019 | WB330 P53592 2019 | 單位用書 | 藥劑部 周○羽 |
5011754 | Atlas of oculoplastic and orbital surgery | Wolters Kluwer | Dutton, Jonathan J. | 2019 | WW17 D9812a 2019 | 眼科 羅○婷 | |
5011755 | Clinical management of binocular vision : heterophoric, accommodative, and eye movement disorders | Wolters Kluwer Health | Scheiman, Mitchell | 2020 | WW410 S319c 2020 | 眼科 羅○婷 | |
5011756 | AHFS Drug information 2020 | American Society of Health-System Pharmacists | McEvoy, Gerald K. | 2020 | QV740.AA1 A512 2020 | 單位用書 | 藥劑部 周○羽 |