條碼號 | 題名 | 出版者 | 著者 | 出版日期 | 索書號 | 單冊狀態 | 介購者 |
5012233 | Anatomic exposures in vascular surgery | Wolters Kluwer | Valentine, R. James 1954- | 2021 | WG17 W763a 2021 | 心臟外科蘇○ 林○圍 |
5012234 | The SAGES manual of hernia surgery | Springer | Davis, S. Scott | 2019 | WI950 S129 2019 | 直腸外科陳○保 | |
5012235 | Endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery : a practical guide | Thieme | Shah, Nishit | 2019 | WK590 E56 2019 | 神經外科蔡○隆 | |
5012236 | Endoscopic neurological surgery | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers | Jimenez, David F. | 2019 | WL368 E56 2019 | 神經外科蔡○隆 | |
5012237 | Deep brain stimulation : techniques and practices | Thieme | Anderson, William S. | 2019 | WL368 D311 2019 | 神經外科陳○生 | |
5012238 | The aneurysm casebook : a guide to treatment selection and technique V.1 | Springer | Henkes, Hans | 2020 | WG580 A579 2020 V.1 | 神經外科陳○遠 | |
5012239 | The aneurysm casebook : a guide to treatment selection and technique V.2 | Springer | Henkes, Hans | 2020 | WG580 A579 2020 V.2 | 神經外科陳○遠 | |
5012240 | Grossman & Baim's cardiac catheterization, angiography, and intervention | Wolters Kluwer | Moscucci, Mauro Standing | 2021 | WG141.5.C2 G878 2021 | 心臟內科梁○文 | |
5012241 | ISCN 2020 : an international system for human cytogenomic nomenclature (2020) | Karger | Committee on Human Cytogenomic |
2020 | QU15 I61i 2020 |
一般醫學兒科 |
5012242 | Campbell-Walsh-Wein urology twelfth edition review | Elsevier | Wein, Alan J. | 2020 | WJ100 C192c 2020 | 泌尿科黃○齊 | |
5012243 | Complications of surgery for male urinary and fecal incontinence | Springer | Siracusano, Salvatore | 2020 | WJ146 C737 2020 | 泌尿科黃○齊 | |
5012244 | Kidney stones : medical and surgical management | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers | Coe, Fredric L. | 2020 | WJ356 K46 2020 | 泌尿科黃○齊 | |
5012245 | Vascular decision making : medical, endovascular, surgical Difficult decisions in | Wolters Kluwer | Cronenwett, Jack L. | 2020 | WG500 V331 2020 | 心臟外科林○圍 | |
5012246 | cardiothoracic critical care surgery : an evidence-based approach | Springer | Lonchyna, Vassyl A. | 2019 | WG169 D569 2019 | 心臟外科吳○穎 | |
5012247 | Core topics in cardiothoracic critical care | Cambridge University Press | Valchanov, Kamen | 2018 | WG166 C797 2018 | 心臟外科吳宣○穎 | |
5012248 | Orthopaedic imaging : a practical approach | Wolters Kluwer | Greenspan, Adam | 2021 | WE225 G815o 2021 |
急診醫學部 影像醫學部 |
5012249 | The ultimate guide to point-of- care ultrasound-guided procedures | Springer Nature Switzerland | Adhikari, Srikar | 2020 | WN208 U47 2020 | 急診醫學部 洪○傑 |
5012250 | Harwood-Nuss' clinical practice of emergency medicine | Wolters Kluwer | Wolfson, Allan B. | 2021 | WB105 H343 2021 | 急診醫學部 洪○傑 |
5012251 | Trauma | McGraw-Hill | Feliciano, David V. | 2021 | WO700 T7732 2021 | 急診醫學部 洪○傑 |
5012252 | Aesthetic orthognathic surgery and rhinoplasty | Wiley-Blackwell | Steinbacher, Derek M. (Derek Matthew) |
2019 | WU600 A254 2019 | 整形外科張○人 | |
5012253 | Innovations in endoscopic ear surgery | Springer | Kakehata, Seiji | 2020 | WV200 I58 2020 | 耳鼻喉部王○忠 | |
5012254 | Functional and selective neck dissection | Thieme | Gavilán, Javier | 2020 | WE708 F979 2020 | 耳鼻喉部王○忠 | |
5012255 | Postgraduate ophthalmology V.1 | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers | Chaudhuri, Zia | 2021 | WW140 P857 2021 V.1 | 眼科羅○婷 | |
5012256 | Postgraduate ophthalmology V.2 | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers | Chaudhuri, Zia | 2021 | WW140 P857 2021 V.2 | 眼科羅○婷 | |
5012257 | HIV感染者的口腔照護指南 | 中華民國愛滋感染者權益促進會 | Hi, Dr.V團隊 | 2021 | 416.9 8733 110 | 單位用書 | |
5012258 | HIV感染者的口腔照護指南 | 中華民國愛滋感染者權益促進會 | Hi, Dr.V團隊 | 2021 | 416.9 8733 110 C.2 | 單位用書 | |
5012259 | HIV感染者的口腔照護指南 | 中華民國愛滋感染者權益促進會 | Hi, Dr.V團隊 | 2021 | 417.9 8733 110 C.3 | ||
5012260 | HIV感染者的口腔照護指南 | 中華民國愛滋感染者權益促進會 | Hi, Dr.V團隊 | 2021 | 417.9 8733 110 C.4 | ||
5012261 | 圖解口腔影像的臨床診斷 | 東與光 | 日毅 | 2004 | 416.932 8736 93 | ||
5012262~ 5012267 |
重症照護on call | 麥格羅希爾台灣分公司 | 雷弗 (Lefor, Alan T.) | 2005 | 419.7 845:2 94 | 單位用書 | |
5012268~ 5012278 |
臨床藥理精要 | 合記圖書 | 劉彥廷 | 2017 | 418.1 8759 106 | 單位用書 | |
5012279~ 5012284 |
加護重症醫學 | 沃特庫爾台灣分公司 | 馬瑞諾 (Marino, Paul L.) | 2016 | 419.821 8353-3 105 | 單位用書 | |
5012285~ 5012287 |
臨床腫瘤學 = Clinical oncology | 合記圖書 | 廖繼鼎 | 2010 | 417.8 8576 99 | 單位用書 | |
5012288 | 食療大全 : 跟著四季變換飲食,蔬果、肉類、海鮮、雜糧的養生時補! | 時報文化 | 楊淑媚 | 2015 | 418.91 8666:3 104 | 單位用書 | |
5012289 | 兒科好醫師最新營養功能醫學 : 預防、治療、照護 : 兒童異位性皮膚炎、過動、自閉、尿床、身材矮小、體重過輕、糖尿病、白血病 | 幸福綠光 | 胡文龍 | 2021 | 428 8463 110 | 單位用書 | |
5012290 | 謝明哲博士的保健食品全事典 | 三采文化 | 謝明哲 | 2012 | 411.373 8254 101 | 單位用書 | |
5012291 | 吃對保健食品! : 江守ft醫師教你聰明吃出真健康 | 新自然主義, 幸福綠光 | 江守ft | 2012 | 411.373 8326 101 | 單位用書 | |
5012292 | 咀嚼吞嚥困難多職類整合照護全書 :運用KT平衡圖表的由口進食支援全技巧 | 如果 | 小ft珠美, 1978- | 2020 | 415.51 8467:2 109 | 單位用書 | |
5012293 | 漫畫讀懂, 如何跟失智者零障礙溝通 :了解失智者怎麼看世界, 就知道該怎麼與他相處 | 如果 | 川畑智 | 2021 | 415.9341 8736 110 | 單位用書 |