新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)文獻專輯,歡迎利用! 【2020/4/09更新】






Coronavirus: Overview from 3D4Medical

JoVE 實驗*: Production of pseudotyped particles to study highly pathogenic coronaviruses in a biosafety level 2 setting



  1. American Thoracic Society(ATS) - Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): The ATS Response

  2. BMJ - Overview of coronaviruses

  3. Cambridge - Coronavirus Free Access Collection

  4. Cell Press - Coronavirus Resource Hub

  5. ClinicalTrials

  6. Cochrane Library - Special Collection:涵蓋六個相關主題的評論文章。

  7. Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases

  8. Dimensions 研究資料搜尋引擎

  9. Disaster Lit (Disaster Literature) - Resource Guide for Disaster Medicine and Public Health database.

  10. DynaMed 實證醫學資料庫

  11. ECRI - Outbreak Preparedness Center(醫院感控與爆發時的防護設備資訊)

  12. Emerald - Free content related to Coronavirus and the management of epidemics

  13. Gideon全球傳染病與流行病學資料庫

  14. Journal of the American Medical Association(JAMA) - Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

  15. Karger - Topic Article Package: Coronavirus (COVID-19)

  16. NLM MedlinePlus

  17. PubMed - Novel Coronavirus

  18. RSNA's resources: COVID-19

    Special Focus: https://pubs.rsna.org/2019-ncov

    Articles: https://pubs.rsna.org/2019-ncov_articles

    Podcasts: https://pubs.rsna.org/do/10.1148/radiol.20200302.podcast/full/

    Cases: https://cases.rsna.org/coronavirus

    News: https://www.rsna.org/news/2020/January/Coronavirus-Update

  19. ScienceDirect(SDOL) -“coronavirus” quick searches

  20. The Lancet - COVID-19 Resource Centre

  21. The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) - Coronavirus (Covid-19)


    NEJM醫學前沿 - SARS-CoV-2 Viral Load in Upper Respiratory Specimens of Infected Patients (SARS-CoV-2感染患者上呼吸道標本中的病毒載量)

    Users must initially create or sign in to their free NEJM.org account while logged into your institution’s network, enabling site license access rights to sync automatically with their personal NEJM.org account for 90 days. Click here for resources to help your patrons activate NEJM.org remote access.

    Encourage your patrons to create their free NEJM Resident 360 account. Download this guide to help with registration. 

  22. Unbound Medicine-Relief Central

  23. UpToDate - Coronavirus : 資料庫中收錄最新武漢肺炎相關主題,主題內容隨時更新。英文版資訊中文版資訊各國臨床指引

  24. 萬方醫學網 - 中文科研文獻匯總

  25. 維普網 Chongqing VIP Information - 中國期刊文獻網路平台

  26. CNKI中國知網 - 新型冠狀病毒肺炎專題研究成果網絡首發平台(OA)※ 可透過電子信箱免費註冊成為CNKI用戶,在線閱讀或下載該平台文獻。

  27. CNKI中國知網(電子圖書庫-海外版) - 新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情專題圖書閱讀



